| Diamond Standard - Is your SDS service provider software fit-for-purpose? |
Divergent implementation of the United Nations (UN) 'Globally Harmonized System' (GHS) for the classification and labelling of chemicals has led to a complex picture of country-specific SDS with differences in SDS template structure (below the 16 section headings), Classification rules and Hazard and Precautionary statements.
Most SDS authoring software fail to meet these requirements and produce SDS that are not compliant.
 | How can you verify SDS your service provider software is fit-for-purpose? |
You can test your SDS authoring system using the ‘Diamond Standard’. It is a fictional chemical product that contains four hazardous chemical substances that act as “edge cases” for the country-specific requirement. It comes with a set of SDS outputs that show you what the regulation requires and when compared with the output from your SDS for that country, allows you to identify any weaknesses in the SDS authoring system. Rest assured SDS produced using HazMix and our Solutions Service meet the Diamond Standard.
 | How do you get started? |